
Showing posts from 2014

New Year, New Country

I had booked a return ticket from South Africa to the UK for six months time non transferable. Due to a change in the visa regulations I could only remain in South Africa for 180 days at a time. Where could I go? My permit ended on New Year's Eve? I booked a trip to neighbouring Zimbabwe to see Victoria Falls only to discover that cross-border visits would not allow a visa renewal.  I investigated countries to visit which only required a British passport and came up with Thailand. A country on my 'wish list' where I could stay for 30 days without a visa and a return ticket from Johannesburg was cheaper than returning to the UK for a short break. I packed a bag and off I went.  Follow my adventures there with the usual photo diaries at

in South Africa: Leaving Mahikeng destination Kimberley 08/10/2014

After one last attempt to see the interior of the Anglican Church in Mahikeng it is time to head south to Kimberley.  Before we leave here is a link to the South African Tourist Website which will tell you all about the history past and present of Mahikeng. It includes the Anglo-Boer War and Baden-Powell's formation of the scout movement during the 217 day siege of the town. All the information you need on Mahikeng, Mafikeng or Mafiking Now we could go the easy route down the national route N18 but that would be boring. Instead we will head off down the R503, longer but, I hope, more interesting. I was amazed at the vastness of this fertile countryside. An abundance of water makes this area rich in golden grain rather than gold nuggets. I stopped to talk to a group foraging for firewood to try and find out what type of trees and why they were there in the acres of flat field. I only succeeded in a clamour for a group photograph. If the size of the fields was amazing so too was

Goodbye Tenerife, Hello South Africa...

My time in Tenerife has drawn to an end, my bags are packed it's time to go.  An evening out with Jose-Luis,Teresa and Yaiza in Santa Cruz, a sad farewell to an island and friends I have come to love, then an early 'plane from Tenerife North to Madrid. British Airways will then fly me to Port Elizabeth, South Africa via London and Johannesburg. 36 hours in the air would take me to my next adventure at now renamed My blog and its photographs at  remain to remind me and show you what there is to see and do in Tenerife and all achievable by bus too.