Thoughts from Hayling Island...
As I sit here in my garret as the rain pours down one suspects that the summer has come on gone in the few days of tropical heat we experienced last week. I took advantage of one of those days, a Saturday as it happened, to mount my trust e-tricycle and pedal north firstly to Havant then east to Emsworth. This had a profound effect as I sat outside the Flintstones Tea Room near the harbour eating a very tasty baked potato with prawn salad. A family at the next table were conversing in a mixture of Spanish and English. I became very homesick for my friends in Spain where I had spent so many happy times and the start of my adventures. My heart ached as Patricia reminded me so much of Dacil, daughter of the house. As you can gather I couldn't resist entering into conversation and mentioned my blogs. As you know I have not written for some time and have promised to bring things up to date on several occasions. This conversation became the spur to goad me into action. e-Mis...