Thoughts from Hayling Island...

As I sit here in my garret as the rain pours down one suspects that the summer has come on gone in the few days of tropical heat we experienced last week. I took advantage of one of those days, a Saturday as it happened, to mount my trust e-tricycle and pedal north firstly to Havant then east to Emsworth. This had a profound effect as I sat outside the Flintstones Tea Room near the harbour eating a very tasty baked potato with prawn salad. A family at the next table were conversing in a mixture of  Spanish and English. I became very homesick for my friends in Spain where I had spent so many happy times and the start of my adventures. My heart ached as Patricia reminded me so much of  Dacil, daughter of the house. As you can gather I couldn't resist entering into conversation and mentioned my blogs. As you know I have not written for some time and have promised to bring things up to date on several occasions. This conversation became the spur to goad me into action.

 e-Mission, pedal and power 

The Blue Bell Inn, Emsworth 

As some will know I was not very well when I returned to England, Covid and Brexit helped to increase my despondency and the muse left me. I have taken a few photographs using my mobile phone but have not had my camera out since my return some two years ago now. I have never been particularly satisfied with the results from my phone, some copied to Instagram others distributed via WhatsApp. Half the time I cannot see what I am taking and trust to luck. A trip out with my brother yesterday included a visit to Currys and the purchase of a small camera which I can easily carry with me and, hopefully, take more interesting photographs in the future. I charged the battery last night but a test of the camera will have to wait due to said change in the weather.

Last week I cycled up to Havant for lunch, I had not fully charged the trike so did not want to venture too far afield. I explored the open market in the high street, dined on fish and chips then decided to have a look at the park in the centre of the town usually viewed from the bus when travel has been permitted. I was most surprised to find a cricket match taking place. A pleasant way to pass a couple of hours on a sunny afternoon. Departing I noticed an exit which led out to the railway station. I decided to explore further, pedalling up to the ticket office to enquire as to the feasibility of travelling with my trike. No problem apparently so, once restrictions finally end I hope to be able to venture further afield. Not only will I work on completing my previous journeys I hope that I will have some new adventures to report.

I was down at the Pebble Beach cafe with my brother on Sunday enjoying bacon baguettes and coffee. Never a dull moment on the island as an impromptu gathering of  vintage, veteran and American classics gathered around us. I particularly liked this one. During the lockdowns I managed to get some exercise cycling around the island continually surprised at how much there is to  discover. I shall put more photos taken so far together into the album linked to this page and will endeavour to tell you more about the island as we go. Hayling Island photo album

I hope that I shall arouse your interest in my blogs once again. Unfortunately those of you who subscribed to the site will no longer receive email notifications as "Feedburner" has ceased to offer the facility. 
I have also deleted my Facebook account for various reasons but have kept the "onemanintheworld" Facebook page alive which mirrors the content of my blogs. I have also set it up to receive any photos which I upload to Instagram (oneman_travelling). 
My new camera has WiFi which I can link to an app on my phone so I hope to be able to upload tasters more often. Hope springs eternal and I wish you all a satisfactory exit from Covid restrictions and a return to more normal, happy lives. x


  1. Hi Arthur, so good to see you blogging again. We met you some years ago in Los Abrigos. We are still here, this is our home now. Hope you get to return someday.
    Lynn & Cliff Figg

  2. Great to see that you are up and blogging again Arthur. I thought that you had turned into a passive Hell's Angel when I saw the photo of you on your e-trike. Hayling Island certainly has a lot to offer the traveller. Please continue to stay safe and well and, of course, keep the blogs coming.


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